

Brittany Watu, D.D.S.

Hi, I’m Brittany.

I shared my first dental school vlog on YouTube in 2016, unaware that there were others interested in my life as a dental student other than my friends and family. In 2020, I graduated dental school, and now I’m two years out into my journey as a new dentist.

But my dental journey didn’t start from dental school. It started several years before that. When I was a pre-dental student in college, I often times felt lost. “What’s the DAT? What classes should I take? How can I stand out as an applicant?” I had a million questions but it felt like I had no one to ask them to.

I don’t want you to experience the fears and hang-ups that I struggled with. Let’s get started to work together because I know that you can go to dental school too.


The road to dental school can be a tough one. You don’t have to be alone in your journey. After personally working with more than 170 pre-dental students with their personal statements and mock interviews, I’m ready to guide you through your pre-dental challenges.